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Using HIDEFOCUS to Remove Dotted Borders



Q: Some of my clickable elements appear with a dotted border when selected. Can this be avoided?



A: Yes. While a visual cue around a clickable image may be good for usability in general (which is why web browsers provide this feedback), it is not always desirable, and may even be considered annoying if the first element is always displayed with a dotted border as soon as the MenuBox window is opened.

To give your MenuBox HTML content more of an "application look" in this context, you can use the HIDEFOCUS attribute, which is a Boolean value that can be "true" or "false", and defaults to false.

When using anchors, place hidefocus="true" in the <a> element:

<a href="javascript:menubox_execute('setup.exe')"
 hidefocus="true" onmouseover="mouseover_f('right',1)"
 <img name="img-install" alt="" border="0"
 src="images/install.gif" width="25" height="25">

When using image maps, place hidefocus="true" in the <img> (not in the <map>) object:

<img src="image.png" width="100" height="50"
 alt="" hidefocus="true" border="0" usemap="#map">

MenuBox includes additional built-in options that can be used to shift the appearance between a "browser" and an "application". For example, the default behavior in the HTML browser window is that selection of text and text-related context menus are disabled. These can be enabled by setting the TextSelection key in the [HTMLWindow] section of the MenuBox INI file. Also see:


Article Information
Article ID:13-200
Additional Keywords:ECMAScript, JScript
Last Update:2014-12-19
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